
The easiest way to run JXP is with Docker, but you can also install it locally.

Docker Quick-Start

docker-compose up -d

Installing Locally


JXP runs on Node JS. We support Node v10 and above, and recommend Node v16. It has been tested up to Node v17.

JXP requires a Mongo database server to connect to. You can host your own, or we also support connecting to MongoDB Atlas, which has a free tier if you don't want to have Mongo running locally.

JXP will also take advantage of Memcache if you have it installed, although it's not a requirement. We can use a local or external Memcache server.

If you want to send out forgotten password links, you'll need an SMTP server you can connect to.

Installing the easy way

JXP has a helper that will set up and configure an instance for you.

First, install JXP globally:

npm install --global jxp

Now run jxp-setup <directory> and follow the prompts. This will install the necessary files, give you a few models to get started, and help you set up an admin username and password.

Once the setup is complete, use npm start to start the server.

Using as a library

Install via NPM:

npm install --save jxp

Then include in your project:

const JXP = require("jxp")


NOTE: All the /setup endpoints will only run if the user table is empty to ensure that you can't overwrite an existing installation.

You can set up a first user using the /setup endpoint, with the following default properties that you can override:

    email: "",
    password: "a randomly generated password",
    name: "admin"


  status: "success",
  name: "admin",
  email: "",
  password: "randompassword"

You can scaffold an entire system by using the /setup/data endpoint. This writes directly to the database, and doesn't go through the API, so be careful -- features like the automatic password encryption will not take effect. You also need to use the collection names, not the model names, eg. the user model becomes users.

   users: [
       { email: init.admin_email, password: init.admin_password, name: "Admin User", admin: true, urlid: "admin-user" },
       { email:, password: init.password, name: "Jeff", admin: false, urlid: "jeff" },
    tests: [
        { foo: "setup_data", bar: "setup_data" }


  status: 'success',
  results: {
    users: {
      result: [Object],
      ops: [Array],
      insertedCount: 2,
      insertedIds: [Object]
    tests: {
      result: [Object],
      ops: [Array],
      insertedCount: 1,
      insertedIds: [Object]