Configuring JXP

Connecting to MongoDB

JXP uses MongoDB for storage. You can use a local MongoDB instance, or a hosted one such as Mongo Atlas.

The configuration for the MongoDB connection is set as environmental variables (for instance, if running in Docker), or in the .env file. Alternatively, you can set the connection string in the config file as described below, although this is not recommended.


Config files

The config files are stored in /config in strict JSON format. (Remember to enclose your keys in inverted commas!) Typically, you'd use /config/default.json for a simple configuration, or /config/development.json and /config/production.json for separating development and production.

If you used the jxp-setup command for setting everything up, you should have a basic /config/default.json file ready to go.

JXP uses config for configuration. This allows you to have different configuration files for development, staging and production, set config variables through environmental variables or command line overrides, and do lots of other cool config magic.


The port key defines the port you want the server to run on. The default is 4001.

"port": 4001,

Model Directory

JXP will search for a model directory with "user_model.js" in it, else you can override this with the config parameter model_dir. (This should be an absolute directory.)


The connection_string can include port, username and password, options, and other fancy stuff. If you have advanced needs, you can find out more (here)[].

If you use Atlas, it will give you a connection string that you can use as-is.

The options allow you to pass extra options such as poolSize, useNewUrlParser, useCreateIndex, and authSource, amongst others. We use Mongoose's connection, so you can find out about the connection options (here)[]. Typically we only use poolSize and authSource in production, and no options in development.

A simple, local connection:

"mongo": {
    "connection_string": "mongodb://localhost/test",
    "options": {}

A Mongo Atlas connection:

"mongo": {
    "connection_string": "mongodb+srv://admin:<your password>@<your server><your database>?retryWrites=true&w=majority",
    "options": {
            "readPreference": "nearest",
            "poolSize": 20,
            "authSource": "admin"

Token lifespans

Set how long you want your users' tokens to live for. Defaults to 24 hours for a token and 30 days for a refresh token.

"token_expiry": 86400,
"refresh_token_expiry": 2678400


You can define an access log as follows:

"log": "/var/log/openmembers/access.log",


Memcached is entirely optional. Leave it out completely to not use Memcached.

"memcached": {
    "server": "localhost:11211",
    "lifetime": 604800


You can throttle the API performance. In the following example, we offer 5 requests per second, 10 concurrent requests, throttle by IP, and allow clients from to go crazy.

"throttle": {
    "burst": 10,
    "rate": 5,
    "ip": true,
    "overrides": {
        "": {
            "rate": 0,
            "burst": 0

Password recovery setup

We have a secret that we share with the front end in order to create Javascript Web Tokens as a login option. This would allow you to send a link to a client that would auto-log them in. We also use it for password recovery links. If you used jxp-setup it would have generated a random one for you.

We also configure a recovery url, which is a front-end page you'll want to hit, such as a password reset page.

We configure an SMTP connection to send out forgotten password links.

"shared_secret": "SomeRandomString",
"password_recovery_url": "",
"smtp": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 587,
    "auth": {
            "user": "",
            "pass": "blah"
    "secureConnection": true


If you want users to be able to log in with an oAuth 2 provider, such as Google or Facebook, you would set it up as follows.

We have a success_uri and fail_uri that will direct the user to your front end's success and failure page, respectively.

Then, for each service you'd like to support, define the app_id, app_secret, scope, auth_uri, token_uri and api_uri.

Here are some examples. We used to support LinkedIn but they made some weird decisions that effectively broke their oAuth2 support.

"oauth": {
    "success_uri": "",
    "fail_uri": "",
    "facebook": {
        "app_id": "<your app id>",
        "app_secret": "<your app secret>",
        "scope": "email",
        "auth_uri": "",
        "token_uri": "",
        "api_uri": ",name,about,age_range,email,picture"
    "google": {
        "app_id": "<your app id>",
        "app_secret": "<your app secret>",
        "auth_uri": "",
        "scope": "email+profile",
        "api_uri": "",
        "token_uri": ""